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Oatcakes with Mixed Seeds

One of the problems for CanSur patients and those in recovery is the oxidative damage wreaked on the body by damaged fats and highly processed oils. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects through neutralisation by antioxidants. Oxidative Damage is the harm sustained by cells and tissues that are unable to keep up with free radical production. The is why high antioxidant foods - such as berries, beta-carotene rich foods and the onion family - are so important in an anti CanSur diet.

When an oil's molecular structure is altered, the body does not know how to process the oil. What's more, every time a batch of oil is heated - say that used at a fish and chip shop - the molecular structure of that oil is changed. The body cannot completely digest this oil, and it is stored in adipose (fat) tissue as a toxin. When you see someone who has binged on fish and chips and fast food where vegetable oil (often cheap palm oil) is used, people tend to have rather a bloated look and the fat is often very difficult to shift because the body uses the fat to protect it from toxins. Morgan Spurlock, in his documentary 'Super Size Me', found this unexpected difficulty when he came off his month's binge of McDonald's fast food - the 10 lbs or so he put on took over 9 months to lose.

One of the biggest no-nos is palm oil found in most (if not all) commercial oat cakes. Apart from ethical reasons - plantations of oil producing palms have been planted in areas of cleared rainforest - the oil's molecular structure is damaged when heated. The only oil safe to cook with under the Budwig Protocol is coconut oil as when heated its molecular structure is not altered.

Most commercial oat cakes contain palm oil. This recipe does not - it uses coconut oil, but it does not in any way taste of coconut. That is the beauty of this oil, once heated it loses its coconut scent and becomes a very safe and neutral oil to cook with.

These are fast and easy to make and only take 25 - 30 minutes to cook. All you need to do is assemble the ingredients in a blender, blend with warm filtered water, and roll out. This recipe is gluten-free and wheat-free, using only gluten free oats and oat flour and a selection of seeds to your taste.

They look as good as commercially made, but are so much tastier, and healthier. The oat cakes in this picture are three inches in diameter.



Makes around 24 - 30 oat cakes, depending on size

100 g organic gluten free oats

100 g organic gluten free oat flour

60 g coconut oil

1 tbs organic chia seeds

1 tbs organic pumpkin seeds

1 tbs organic black sesame seeds

1 tbs organic white sesame seeds

1 tbs organic linseed

1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

1 tsp pink Himalayan salt

1 tsp organic date syrup

warm filtered water

1. Place the oats in a food processor and process until rough. Add the oat flour, the seeds, coconut oil, bicarbonate of soda, salt, date syrup and process until it forms lumps. Add enough warm filtered until you have a soft dough.

2. Remove the dough from the food processor and sprinkle a work surface with oat flour. Knead the dough a little until smooth and then roll out to the thickness of a pound coin, smoothing out any cracks in the dough as you go.

3. When you achieve the right thickness, cut out rounds of the dough, and lift off the work surface with a palate knife, and place on a flat ungreased baking tray.

4. Cook for 25 - 30 minutes in a 190C oven until golden brown. Remove and allow to cool on a cooling rack.

Enjoy with some organic goat's or sheep's cheese and some sugar-free chutney.

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